Wednesday, September 22, 2010

D+9 Springfield, Missouri to Tulsa, Oklahoma

Leg mileage = 219.5 Cumulative mileage 2134.5

Storm front passed in the night and today started out beautiful and got better! Really was in three states today: Missouri, Kansas (cutting the corner at Galena), and Oklahoma.

Some surprises today, case in point being the 9 Foot Road sections that are still preserved in Oklahoma. This was the original paved road sections in this part of what became Rt 66 and are 9 feet wide (and not in the best of condition!) Needless to say, my riding skills are getting a workout, but stayed shiny side up throughout.

And there are delays you don't usually have to deal with on the interstate!
Arrived in Tulsa in time to check out the local dealership's reception and get my bearings.

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