Tuesday, September 14, 2010

D+2 Chicago Already!

Canton Ohio to Tinley Park Illinois, Leg = 398 mi, cumulative mileage 1018.5

Left Canton around 8:30. Beautiful, fall-like day, and needed to put the liner in my jacket. Blew down US 30, a beautiful four lane divided highway. Stops in Mansfield and Van Wert, Ohio and Plymouth, Indiana. Miles and miles of woodland and farms.
Besides making Chicago a day earlier than I expected, a highlight of the day was stopping for lunch at Balyeat's Coffee Shop in downtown Van Wert, Ohio. One of my "goals" on this trip is to try to avoid chains and find local cuisine.

Home run first time out. This place has been open for 75 years: a classic coffee shop with counter and rows of four-tops.

Here's a shot of the Pearl outside Balyeat's. It pays to get off the interstates!

Arrived in Tinley Park, Illinois around 7:15 CDT. Uneventful trip except for driving down US 30 westbound at sunset! Here's our arrival shot! Folks at the Holiday Inn were able to put me up two days early. I was the first to arrive.

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