Wednesday, September 8, 2010

D+1 - Canton Ohio Already! - 620.5 miles

D-Day Burke to York PA: 129.5 mi leg/ 210.5 mi cummulative
Ran up to York PA (the bike's birthplace) and bunked at my nephew's place at York College.

D+1 York PA to Canton OH: 410 mi leg/ 620.5 mi cummulative
Started at HD plant tour then headed west on US 30 which follows the old Lincoln Highway. Great little towns with town squares like Gettysburg! Quick tour of the battlefield then into the mountains. Past Chambersburg road gets nice and twisty, but westerly winds really kicked up in Laurel Highlands. GIANT ALERT - Pied Piper along road, windmills dotting landscape! And why is the Applacian section of 30 guarded by large ceramic elephants?

Lunch stop in Greensburg, then through the Pittsburgh area, West Virginia and after a few misqueues got to Canton OH around 8 pm. Could not believe that I knocked off so much distance.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had fun with Dan and founf his couch to be comfy. I enjoy reading your blog. Terry
