Sunday, June 20, 2010

Trip Plan at Last

OK, you'll see I figured out how to put in a countdown clock. Old dog, new trick!

As promised, HOG sent the "trip guide" for the Mothering the Motor Road Tour. Its a neat book: The EZ66 Guide for Travelers by Jerry McClanahan. Apparently somewhere on the trip we actually get to meet the author. He has done an incredible job of documenting the Mother Road from Chicago to LA. Factoid: Over 85% of old US 66 exists in one form or another.

So anyway here's MY plan. All dates September:

6 - York PA
7 - H-D Factory tour then hit the Lincoln Highway (US 30) - Greensburg PA
8 - Lima OH
9 - Chicago Hts (old family home - where my folks departed from 60 years ago to head to California
10-12 - Register and join up with the HOG part of the tour
13 - Springfield IL
14 - St Louis MO
15 - Springfield MO (more family here!)
16 - Tulsa OK
17-18 - Oklahoma City OK
19 - Amarillo TX
20-21 - Albuquerque NM (though I may ride up to Gallup on 21)
22 - Flagstaff AZ
23 - Grand Canyon (my detour - HOG ride goes to Kingman)
24 - Needles CA
25 - Ontario CA

One sobering thought is that I plan to spend the better part of three weeks in the estimate is 2900 miles and about 66 hours running time for the whole trip. That will be a complete unknown.

So anyway that's the plan. Plans are good, they get me thinking in the right direction. But plans are a bit like hopes: they are at each instant replaced by reality. Once I get moving I'm thinking I should adopt a Buddhist outlook: Surrender hope: you can only live in the moment. Maybe that way I won't miss the giants!

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